
Ignitase: Influencer Engagement & Sponsorship Coordination Platform

Tech Stack: HTML, CSS, JS, Jinja2, Bootstrap, Flask, SQLite
Duration: July 2024 - August 2024

IGNITASE is a comprehensive platform designed to streamline influencer marketing campaigns. The primary goal of the project is to create a user-friendly system that connects influencers with sponsors, facilitating effective and engaging marketing campaigns.

Key Features:

○ User Authentication: Secure login and registration for influencers and sponsors.
○ Profile Management: Customizable profiles for influencers and sponsors to showcase their details and track their activities.
○ Campaign Management: Sponsors can create and manage marketing campaigns, while influencers can view and participate in these campaigns.
○ Request Handling: Influencers can submit collaboration requests to sponsors, and sponsors can review and manage these requests.
○ Status Tracking: Both influencers and sponsors can track the status of their campaigns and requests, ensuring smooth and transparent interactions.


● Requirement Analysis: Identified core functionalities such as user authentication, profile management, campaign creation, request handling, and status tracking.
● Design: Developed a detailed database schema and user interface design based on the requirements.
● Implementation: Utilized Flask for the backend, SQLite for database management, and Jinja2 with Bootstrap for frontend development.

Frameworks and Libraries Used

● Flask: Web framework for Python to handle backend operations and routing.
● Jinja2: Templating engine for rendering HTML pages.
● Bootstrap: Frontend framework for responsive web design.
● SQLite: Database management system for storing project data.
● SQLAlchemy: ORM for database interaction.

What I Learned:

I learnt how to design and implement a comprehensive platform. This involved securing user authentication, managing profiles, and handling campaign creation and requests. I gained experience in designing a database schema and building a user-friendly interface using Flask, SQLite, and Jinja2 with Bootstrap for responsive web development. I also learned how to effectively implement request handling and status tracking features. Additionally, I became familiar with using SQLAlchemy for database interaction.

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