
Training and Placement Management System in C

Basic Project

Tech Stack: C Language, File Systems
Duration: Feb 2023 - Feb 2023

The Training and Placement Management System is a console-based application developed in C that facilitates the management of job postings and candidate registrations using file systems. This system provides functionalities for registering jobs and candidates, viewing job listings and candidates, applying for jobs, updating job details, and handling job vacancies efficiently.

Key Features:

Job Registration:

The system allows users to register new job postings by entering job title, description, category, and number of vacancies. This information is stored in a text file for persistence.

Candidate Registration:

Users can register as candidates by providing their name, email, category, and qualification. This data is also stored in a text file.

View Jobs:

Users can view the list of all available jobs along with their details such as title, description, category, and vacancies.

View Candidates:

The system allows viewing of registered candidates with details like name, email, category, and qualification.

Apply for Jobs:

Candidates can apply for jobs by specifying the job title and their email. The system updates the job's vacancy count upon successful application.

Update Job Details:

Users can update existing job details, including title, description, category, and vacancies. This feature ensures that job information is kept current.

User Experience:

The system is designed to be straightforward and user-friendly, providing essential functionalities through a command-line interface. The use of file systems ensures data persistence, and the simplicity of the interface makes it accessible for users to manage job and candidate information efficiently.

What I Learned:

Working on this project enhanced my understanding of file handling and data management in C. I gained experience in managing different types of data using text files and improved my skills in implementing basic functionalities like job registration, candidate registration, and file operations. The project also taught me about the importance of maintaining data consistency and handling user inputs effectively.

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